Young Couple Cold In Blanket

5 Furnace Noises That Always Mean Trouble in Vinton, LA

February 13, 2021

Don’t get caught in a situation this winter where you wake up to a cold house because your Vinton, LA, furnace failed. Discover the top five noises that indicate a malfunctioning furnace requiring maintenance.

1. Rattling

There may be a loose screw or panel within the HVAC system if you hear rattling sounds. On the other hand, a rattling noise could indicate a crack or leak in the heat exchanger.

A damaged heat exchanger will potentially leak carbon monoxide into your home’s living environment. Bring in your HVAC technician for a heating repair appointment immediately so that they can determine whether you have a serious issue or simply need a screw tightened.

2. Loud Boom or Bang

A loud bang or boom is another sound that a bad heat exchanger causes within your HVAC system. Booming noises also originate from dirty burners because it causes a gas buildup that “explodes” upon ignition. A regular maintenance schedule helps to take care of this issue because your technician cleans the burners during each tune-up.

3. Thwapping

A thwapping sound is similar to what you’ll hear when attaching a playing card to a bicycle’s spokes. This sound often comes from your furnace whenever something gets stuck inside the housing.

Get this issue checked by your HVAC technician. Failing to fix it immediately causes undue motor strain and often results in major damage. This means your system might require complete replacement down the road.

4. Metal Against Metal

The blower wheel might be faulty if you hear loud scraping and clanking sounds. Your HVAC technician will check to see if the blower fan is loose and hitting against the blower house casing. A broken blower fan will need to get replaced, of course.

5. High-Pitched Squealing or Screeching

Some of the furnace’s moving parts may need lubrication if you hear screeching or squealing sounds. The motor bearing is an example of a part that requires lubrication.

Do you hear any of these sounds coming from your furnace? Contact one of our friendly Burnworth’s A/C representatives so that we can schedule your next furnace maintenance appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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