
4 Furnace Odors That Mean You Have Trouble in Westlake, LA

4 Furnace Odors That Mean You Have Trouble in Westlake, LA

Once you turn on your furnace, you expect it to circulate clean and fresh air throughout your home in Westlake, LA. You shouldn’t ignore any unusual odor from your furnace even if it’s faint because it’s a sign that something may be wrong with the heating equipment....

3 Reasons to Boost Indoor Air Quality in Lake Charles, LA

3 Reasons to Boost Indoor Air Quality in Lake Charles, LA

Most people in Lake Charles, LA, ignore indoor air quality and its effects on their health. Sometimes, your home may feel stuffy, or you and your loved ones may start experiencing health problems. The most common cause is poor indoor air quality. Here are a few...

3 Signs Your AC Isn’t Working Efficiently in Lake Charles, LA

3 Signs Your AC Isn’t Working Efficiently in Lake Charles, LA

Does your AC unit seem to be having trouble keeping your home in Lake Charles, LA, cool this summer? One of the most obvious tell-tale signs of an inefficient AC unit is when it has trouble maintaining your home's proper comfort level. Here are three signs you could...

Five Signs Your Vinton, LA Thermostat Needs Replacing

Five Signs Your Vinton, LA Thermostat Needs Replacing

When you live in Vinton, LA, you know just how important it is to have a properly functioning HVAC system. However, if you're experiencing issues with your HVAC system, the problem could be your thermostat. Here are five signs you need to replace your thermostat. 1....

Does My Lake Charles, LA, Home Need a New Air Conditioner?

Does My Lake Charles, LA, Home Need a New Air Conditioner?

The heat and humidity of the summer put a major strain on air conditioners around Lake Charles, LA. It's always during the hottest weather when these systems break down but are hardest to find. Learn how to tell if it's time to replace your air conditioner before it...

The Difference Between an Air Cleaner and Purifier in Westlake, LA

The Difference Between an Air Cleaner and Purifier in Westlake, LA

The terms "air cleaner" and "air purifier" are often used interchangeably, and it's true that air purifiers and air cleaners do have many similar functions. When it comes to clearing your Westlake, LA, home's air of specific toxins, air purifiers and air cleaners...

4 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Springtime in Lake Charles, LA

4 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Springtime in Lake Charles, LA

Flowers are blooming, and spring is here in Lake Charles, LA, with the heat of summer not far behind. Now is the time to go over your HVAC system and get it ready for the cooling season. Here are four of the most important HVAC maintenance tasks to keep your air...

How Do Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers Work and Why Do I Need Them?

How Do Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers Work and Why Do I Need Them?

Humidifiers are essential in your home since they help to increase the level of moisture in your indoor air. Dehumidifiers, on the other hand, help to reduce the level of moisture in your indoor air. Read on to learn how they work and why you need to add them to your...

5 Furnace Noises That Always Mean Trouble in Vinton, LA

5 Furnace Noises That Always Mean Trouble in Vinton, LA

Don't get caught in a situation this winter where you wake up to a cold house because your Vinton, LA, furnace failed. Discover the top five noises that indicate a malfunctioning furnace requiring maintenance. 1. Rattling There may be a loose screw or panel within the...

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